The Approved Code Scheme is operated by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute
The Approved Code Scheme is operated by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) on behalf of the Consumer Codes Approval Board (CCAB), which was established as a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC). While the CCAB retains oversight of the scheme - and is responsible for approving the Codes of Practice (based on independent analysis) - the day-to-day executive and operational control of the scheme is delegated to the Approved Code Scheme team at CTSI. You can read more about how the scheme is governed below.
The Consumer Codes Approval Board is responsible for determining all matters relating to the approval of Codes of Practice and discharging its fiduciary responsibilities for the company; it consists of up to seven members.
Please find the Articles of Association here and the Memorandum of Association here.
The CCAB is a Community Interest Company. CTSI considers that establishing the new CCAB as a CIC will strengthen its focus both on reducing consumer detriment and acting in the interests of the community as a whole.
'We will act in the collective community interest, operating an open and transparent approach. We will welcome the use of the results of our scheme to ensure markets work well for consumers and businesses; parliamentarians are supported in their work and consumer advocacy is enhanced'.
The Asset Locked Body is responsible for distributing the assets of the company in accordance with the Community Interest Statement, in the event that the company is wound up. The Trustees of the College of Fellows, CTSI's charitable and benevolent society, act as the asset locked body for CCAB.
The overall aim of the Code Sponsors Panel is to support the aims of the scheme itself and help reduce consumer detriment and raise consumer standards within their sectors.
PLEASE NOTE : We recently changed the consumer-facing name of the scheme from the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme (CCAS) to the Approved Code Scheme. However, some of our publicity and contractual materials (produced before June 2024) may still include references to the original name. Until we have adapted everything, both names remain valid - and we apologise for any confusion.